October 22, 2024

FAQs for End of Tenancy Cleaning London

End of Tenancy Cleaning - Your questions answered & possible cost

If you are nearing the end of your tenancy and need to know more about what is involved, the prices, and how to book your end of tenancy cleaning London then take a quick look at some of the most commonly asked questions before hiring a cleaning service.

1. What is End of Tenancy Cleaning?

When you moved it to your current property it was looking immaculate and spotless, right? This is because the previous tenants will have had a professional clean at the end of their tenancy. Not only is it a nice way for new tenants to start their tenancy, but it also makes it easier for the landlord or check out clerk to identify any damage caused during the tenancy. 

2. Do I really need it?

In most cases, there is a clause in your rental contract that will stipulate you leave the property in exactly the same way as when you moved in. If you fail to have a professional end of tenancy cleaning London, or if the cleaning is not up to standard, then the landlord can withhold money from your security deposit in order to have the property cleaned to a professional standard.

3. Can I do it myself?

The clause of your tenancy agreement will normally state the property should be cleaned to professional standards. This doesn’t mean that you actually need to employ a professional, you are welcome to try to clean the property yourself but it is not recommended! After you leave, the property will be inspected either by a check out clerk.

There are numerous differences between professional and amateur cleaning ones which the clerk will easily pick up on. Why add to the stress of moving by trying to take on the clean as well? Leave it to the professionals and ensure that you won’t have to fight for your deposit over the cleaning!

Do I need to provide the equipment or cleaning materials?(h3)

No. The cleaners will bring all they need in order to carry out a thorough clean.

4. Do I need to move the furniture?

It isn’t usually necessary but it can help if you have a particularly heavy or sentimental item. The cleaners will need to vacuum or mop beneath sofas, bed and cupboards in order to make sure you get your deposit back!

5. Am I charged by the hour or per job?

End of tenancy cleaning London is priced per job, which means your cleaners will stay on-site until everything is done. The hours taken do not define the costs.

6. Should I defrost the fridge and freezer?

If the fridge and freezer has not been defrosted then the cleaners may not be able to clean it property so please make sure that it is defrosted 24 hours in advance.

7. Will the oven be cleaned?

Yes, oven cleaning is included. Each part of the oven will be treated with a specialised cleaning solution to dislodge grime and grease. Both the inside and outside of the oven will be cleaned and left like new!

8. Do you clean windows from the outside?

Exterior window cleaning is not included in a standard clean, however, it can normally be done by request. It is not always possible for end of tenancy cleaning London given the number of floors in some apartment blocks!  

9. How much does the end of tenancy cleaning London normally cost?

The cost of a tenancy clean varies depending on a few important factors. The main one is the size of the property. The current condition of the property can also be a factor but this normally only applies in extreme cases. The last factor is the addition of further services such as exterior window cleaning or garden clearance.

10. How many cleaners will come?

This all depends on the size of the property but typically a team of two or three will be able to ensure timely completion of a thorough clean.

11. What if the cleaner damages something?

All of the professionals for the end of tenancy cleaning London are fully insured. The cleaners are experienced and very careful but, in the unlikely event that something does happen, you will be compensated accordingly.

12. How can I end of tenancy cleaning London?

If you are getting ready to move out of your rental property and require tried and tested professionals for your end of tenancy clean then look no further than MyConstructor. They can provide you with price comparison on a nationwide network of professional end of tenancy cleaners.

The platform allows you to read genuine reviews from previous customers, check cleaner availability via a live diary system and compare rates. The price comparison aspect of the platform encourages the cleaners to compete for your business which guarantees you the best prices possible in your local area. You can book online anytime, 24/7! 

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